HA sells sugar soup in the market for a living while YEE washes clothes on the riverside and teaches the boys how to write. The feet of Long Legs (7th son) suddenly grow longer. For not letting YEE know, Log Legs goes and hides but falls into the river carelessly. The Acrobatic Troupe is out for business when HA goes to give a boost to Naughty and Crying Baby, but he is driven away by HUNG. HUNG instructs Naughty and Crying Baby to practice the hand-stand and bending backward, while Naughty uses tricks to finish them early, to which HUNG punishes him after discovery. Big Ears and Triceps follow LAU Deputy to patrol around. When passing by the vendor stall of HA, Sharp Eyes (1st son) accidentally pours the sugar soup onto Triceps’ clothes, to which LAU Deputy knocks over the vendor stall of HA. Big Mouth secretly takes a lot of food from TSUI and brings it home……