The penultimate programme in our week of specials sees the EI team rolling into Norwich to set up a clinic in the heart of one of the country’s busiest shopping centres. This time the Docs are getting stuck into the Vagina, and there’s no room for coyness ladies!
The first patients in the EI clinic are a group of teenagers who want to find out more about the embarrassing consequences of thrush. 75% of women get thrush at some point in their lives, and it affects everybody – from babies to grannies and a few fellas on the way through.
Then there’s 42-year-old Debbie, who’s come to see the Doctors after giving birth to a bouncing baby boy. Baby Samuel’s doing fine, but Debbie’s having to deal with the embarrassing consequences of a painful childbirth that delivered much more than just a bundle of joy…
The Docs are next putting periods under their medical microscopes, looking at the causes of period pain as well as the painful condition Endometriosis, where cells from the womb find their way into different parts of the body, with unpleasant consequences.
We’re then reacquainted with 45-year-old Alyson from Monday’s programme, who’s all in a flap when it comes to exposing herself to her new partner. Fortunately, a consultation with Dr Pixie leads to a welcome resolution to her elongated labia.
The menopause is something that every woman must eventually go through. However, the period just before that, the perimenopause, is less understood, but can be taste of things to come. With hot flushes, night sweats and weight gain among the symptoms, Dr Dawn discusses some of the treatment options, including Hormone Replacement Therapy.
There’s also a case of vaginal dryness for Dr Dawn to examine as well, with a novel treatment involving a vaginal oestrogen pessary. Thanks to the treatment, Susan and her husband can resume normal service in the bedroom.
Back in their London clinic, the Docs have a case of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which affects over a third of British women, including high profile sufferers like Emma Thompson and Victoria Beckham. Jenni’s in the clinic to be rid of the hair that’s constantly appearing on her back and chest, and a course of laser treatment sees her much improved. They also have a woman whose overactive bladder is making her life a misery, but there’s a novel solution more commonly associated with the world of cosmetic surgery…
Dr Dawn makes a house call on a women whose been suffering from a prolapsed rectum for years, and fortunately there’s a solution to her plight – but it’s certainly not for the faint hearted…
Finally, Dr Jessen is running a smear campaign in Norwich! He’s targeting the 20% of British women that don’t attend a regular cervical smear test. And he’s not taking no for an answer…as three volunteers discover when he persuades them to have theirs done there and then!
And don’t forget – you can watch our self-check guide to how to check your vulva by clicking here, or you can get the guide on your mobile phone by texting VULVA to 84444…